Our Mission
To support the new evangelization efforts of the Church by providing modern, clean, powerful, and awe-inspiring design rooted in tradition and inspired by our living faith.
"In order for the Church to communicate the message entrusted to her by Christ,
the Church needs art.
Art must make perceptible, and as far as possible attractive,
the world of the spirit, of the invisible, of God."
St. John Paul II, Letter to Artists (1999)

The Power of Design to Evangelize
Design is powerful. Think of brands, for instance. We are so emotionally attached to brands and the graphics that represent it, that they generate in us an emotional response or reaction. Think of the Nike swash, the Coca-Cola lettering, or the apple in the Apple products. A simple set of lines and curves can leave a powerful and lasting impression that establish strong emotional connections.
The visual arts have the power to convey graphically what words sometimes cannot do as well. Graphic design has a very important role in communicating the truths of our faith: the truth of Jesus Christ and His Bride.
That is the mission of Little Way Design Co.: to convey the truth of the Gospel graphically and powerfully.

About the Designer
Katerina is the founder and owner of Little Way Design Co.: a small design studio she runs with her husband and five children from their home located outside of Pittsburgh, PA.
Katerina was born and raised in the Caribbean Coast of Venezuela. Her first language is Spanish. She received her B.S. in Chemical Engineering from McNeese State University and worked in the oil refining industry for 10 years. She also has a Masters of Pastoral Studies from the University of St. Thomas, Houston, and has been a catechist, youth minister, volunteer and translator for the Houston Catholic Worker, Making Music Praying Twice Leader, Little Flowers Girls' Club Leader, and member of Elizabeth Ministry and Respect Life groups. She is currently a Benedictine Novice Oblate affiliated with the monks of St. Vincent Archabbey in Latrobe, PA.
In 2012, after deciding to stay at home with her first child, she taught herself graphic design during nap times and started her own business working on branding and illustrations. While she enjoyed helping small businesses in creating their brand identities, her dream was to work on designs that represented her long Catholic faith tradition. Six years later, on the feast day of Little Way's patroness, St. Thérese of Lisieux, in 2017, she took a leap of faith and officially opened Little Way Design Co. And it's been a dream come true!
Katerina focuses on symmetrical florals, typographic design, and her influences are Scandinavian folk art and 19th century Catholic engravings.

Why "Little Way"?
"The Little Way is the way of faithfulness and love in the small things of every day."
--Mark and Louise Zwick, founders of the Houston Catholic Worker
"God would never inspire me with desires which cannot be realized; so, in spite of my littleness, I can hope to be a Saint. I could never grow up. I must put up with myself as I am, full of imperfections, but I will find a little way to Heaven, very short and direct, an entirely new way."
--St. Thérèse of Lisieux
The Little Way to heaven is the way of faithfulness to the cross of Christ in the daily mundane events of our life. In the mess of our imperfections, like St. Thérèse notes in the quote above. There is no Little Way without taking up our daily cross. We cannot forget that is exactly the greatness of the spirituality of St. Thèrése: her faithfulness in the little things despite her difficult circumstances.
Because in the present moment--what lies right in front of us, regardless of how insignificant, tedious, or dull it may be--is our key to holiness. Our Little Way to heaven.
I am forever grateful to the great doctor of the Church, St. Thérèse of Lisieux, for showing us the "little way" to heaven as a possible means to walk closer with God during our time of exile.
Thank you for appreciating my designs and for making them part of your life as we walk together in this pilgrimage.