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Lost Wonder Circle Sticker - Little Way Design Co.
Lost Wonder Circle Sticker - Little Way Design Co.

Lost Wonder Circle Sticker


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    I created this design around the time of the March for Life 2019 after reflecting on the wonder of my own children:

    For the blocks that won’t get stacked
    For the first footsteps that won’t be taken
    For the Legos that won’t be built .
    For the sun and its warmth that won’t be felt
    For the swings that won’t swing
    For the toy trains and trucks that won’t get pushed
    For the clear night skies that won’t be contemplated
    For the excavators and garbage trucks that won’t be marveled at
    For the ocean and lakes that won’t be swum in
    For the tutus that won’t be worn
    For the mountains that won’t be marveled at
    For the dinosaurs that won’t be read about
    For the puddles that won’t be jumped on
    For the moon, planets, and stars that won’t be seen
    For the rain drops that won’t be felt
    For the books that won’t be read
    For the worlds that won’t be imagined
    For the instruments that won’t be played
    For the birds that won’t be heard
    For the words that won’t be spoken
    For the dreams that will never be dreamed...
    For all these things and experiences and more...
    that only the wonder of a child
    can give their full meaning and direct the course of their entire lives and of all those around them...
    but are instead taken away...
    we march, we declare the truth of life in the womb, and we beg for mercy.


    Product Details

    • 3" in longest dimension
    • Made of durable vinyl
    • Dishwasher-safe
    • Weather-resistant
    • 🇺🇸 Made in the USA

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    Lost Wonder Circle Sticker - Little Way Design Co.
    Lost Wonder Circle Sticker - Little Way Design Co.